Monday, April 20, 2009


The Good News...

I got a summer scholarship so I will be going to summer school and will be able to knock a few more classes off of the huge list that I need for graduation.


The Bad News(for me)... :(

I am going to summer school (Luckily 3 of the classes are online.)

More Good News

We are leaving in about 2 weeks to go on a fun little road trip to Portland, Oregon. It will be our first road trip with the kids.


The Bad News(for Chris and I)...

We will be driving 13 hours... all in one day... with 2 kids under the age of 3. We are going to leave at 5 a.m. so hopefully they will sleep a lot. I also plan on bribing them with a lot of goodies. :)

Even more Good News...

We have lived at our house for 2 1/2 years and we are finally doing something about our yard. We went to Home Depot and bought a bunch of bricks, soil, and even a little pond. And in a couple of weeks we are going to get a bunch of plants and flowers. It should look really nice when it is all done. :)


The Bad News...

It is going to take a lot of work, before it will look nice. Luckily our yard isn't very big.



Chris Gamble said...

Bad news, I'm sure I'll end up doing most of the yard work.

Good news, I might loose some weight.

Tyler and Tracy said...

We have a lot of yard work to do as well. At least your yard is smaller then ours. I'm already sore from doing 2 flower beds it will be a long summer of yard work.