I saw this on my cousin Suzy's blog and thought I would try it.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
Slow Start
1 week ago
I remember when you were little, if you didn't want to eat something you'd say, "I like it, but I don't want it!" If you liked something you'd say, "Delicious, so tricious."
I have lots of memories of Nanette. I will start from the beginning. She came into this world with her eyes wide open and didn't cry for several hours. When we were living in California during her first year and half of life, she would wait for me at our front room window when I came home from work and would be very excited to see me (as I was excited to see her). For her 2nd birthday (we had just moved to Smithfield 6 months ago), we bought her a swingset. I think that this is one of her earliest memories. Of course there are 23 years worth of great memories.
A favorite memory of mine that I have of Nanette was when we were at my mom's house. My mom mentioned something that she would want to do and she started clapping like a little girl. I thought it was so funny; but that is what I like about Nanette is that she is easily made happy. Love you.
I have a lot of random memories. Most of them are too complicated to write down - the one that keeps coming to mind is when we were in a science class together and we were talking about the pros/cons of dams and you got to be one of the judges... yeah, confusing I know. Do you remember that?
I also remember when you told me you were getting married (Dr. Ascione's FCHD class?). And although I was happy and very excited for you, I thought you were way too young! But then I went and got married later that year too. :)
Also, just your happy personality and positive attitude about everything. You always made (and I'm sure still do) the room a little brighter when you came into it.
You probably were a little to young but so was I in a way at 21. Oh well I don't regret it one bit. Love you's.
I hope you don't think I was saying you were too young in a bad way - I just found it ironic that I thought you were too young to get married, but then got married at the same age myself a few months down the road. I really think the Lord has a sense of humor and a way of humbling people (me). I don't regret getting married so young in any way shape or form either.
I never thought that one bit. Sometimes I just reflect on that event with youthfulness in mind. The good thing about marrying younger, is that the spouse won't wrinkle as fast...hahaha
I remember when Katie and you were in High School together and at nights she would come into your room and you guys would have talks and I was so jealous! But then I remember one time when you let me come into your room just to talk and I was so excited!:) lol
And your laugh is so cute and you always say funny things during the prayer that makes us all giggle! That's why when you're at our house Dad always asks you to say the prayer :) he he
Wow, I have lots of memories from when we lived so close. I was probably not always nice because you were younger than me. But I always loved to play barbies with you cause I could boss you around. Just kidding. I remember one time I wet the bed at your house when we were having a sleep over and I was so embarrassed so I threw my underwear away and borrowed some of yours. Oops. Sleepovers were always scary for me, cause the bladder thing was hit and miss. But at least I can joke about it now. I also remember one time in Pleasant View when you and Katie and I went on a walk, I think we were older, I was probably 16 at least, maybe older. Anyway, when we got home your mom had been looking for us and was waiting cause they were leaving and we all got in trouble. I felt pretty stupid cause I was the oldest.
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