On Halloween we went up to Smithfield and had a fun party with my family. My mom wrote all about what we did, on her blog, and so I won't go into details. We had a lot of fun though. Ethan and Logan were pretty wired from candy until about 11:30 pm and then they crashed. Ethan loved trick-or-treating and it surprised me that he would say thank you to all of the strangers giving him candy. He is usually very shy and won't talk at all.
Here is a picture of our misfit family:
Thanks Naomi and Katie for the awesome dinner and thanks to Mom and Dad for having the party. We better do it again next year.
How did you get Logan's hair blue? I used this hair spray paint on Gwens to make it red and her clothes and skin were red by the end of the night. How did his hold up? I need advice for next year. Your party sounds like fun. Especially because your family is so close.
That was an awesome; however, I will reconsider what I will be for Halloween.
You guys made one strange looking family! :} I'm glad everyone were such great sports and had a good time. Dane will be here for next year's party. Yay!
Chris looks awesome
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