Yesterday I finished painting Ethan's shelf for his bedroom. It turned out good, but I made the mistake of leaving the paint brush out on the table. I didn't think there was any paint left in it, but it was a sponge brush and I guess they hold a lot of paint. Anyways, I was doing my hair and Chris was in the bedroom. When I was done I asked Chris where Ethan was and he said he wasn't sure and so he went to find him. Logan's door was shut and so he opened it and said to me, " Uh-oh. Nanette, you're not going to like this!" This is what we found:
This is the glider in Logan's room and Ethan decided to paint it. How wonderful of him. Luckily he mostly just got in on the wood part and I found out later that it will wash off. But...
that's not the worst of it. We were laughing pretty hard about it until we went into the dining room and this is what we found:
He had also painted the table cloth and 2 of my dining room chairs! I don't really care about the tablecloth, but I had just recently recovered my chairs with vinyl. The picture above shows what they look like after I washed as much paint off as I could. I do have extra vinyl and so I might end up recovering them. Little boys sure like to give their parents extra work. I guess I should just be glad that he didn't decide to paint my couch or carpet or something. Oh the joys of having a two year old. I can't wait to see what he does when he is three.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Little boys spell M-I-S-C-H-I-E-F
Posted by Nanette at 10/30/2008 02:19:00 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Logan's 1st Birthday
Our little Logi turned one on Sunday. I can't believe that he is already that old. This year has gone fast, but it has been so fun to watch him grow. My mom bought him and Logan cute church clothes, so they looked like studs.
Posted by Nanette at 10/28/2008 09:08:00 PM 5 comments
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Church is awesome!
I am so glad that I was able to go to church today and be reminded of how wonderful it is to have the true gospel in my life. Every week that I go to church it really helps motivate me to do things and be a better person. I have been having some personal struggles lately and keep saying to myself, "Why me?" I was reminded in Relief Society about all of the trials that Joseph Smith and our Savior went through and that I need to stop complaining and start serving. I am going to make this my goal to be better at forgetting myself and serving those I love. I am so grateful for all of the support of family and friends. You guys are awesome and I love you!
Posted by Nanette at 10/19/2008 02:29:00 PM 3 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
First tooth... finally!!!
So the day came that I never thought would... Logan's first tooth finally broke through yesterday! He has been teething for 6 months with no luck. The poor guy. This tooth has been trying to come through for a month! He was so much happier yesterday. I don't think he was in as much pain. Yay! I didn't get a picture of it yet, because he would barely let me see it, but I will add one as soon as I can.
Here are a couple pictures of the boys being goofy:
Posted by Nanette at 10/16/2008 07:53:00 AM 2 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
I love crafts!
Today was Super Saturday in my ward. I have never been to one before and so I decided to go. It was a lot of fun, but the time went too fast and I barely had enough time to finish. Here is the cute plaque that I made:I also made 4 bracelets. They take forever to make, but turned out cute! I am looking forward to the next Super Saturday when I can make more cute crafts. Thanks Chris for watching the boys!
We have also been working on getting Ethan's room done. We have it all painted, but I still need to hang up the decorations. I will post some pictures when it is finished. Thanks Mom and Dad for watching Ethan while we worked on it!
Posted by Nanette at 10/11/2008 10:16:00 PM 5 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Jazz and Boise
Last weekend we took a fun little trip with my family to visit my grandparents in Nampa, Idaho. We had to be there by 6:00 pm on Thursday to get to the Jazz training camp on time. It was held at Boise State University and was open to the public. We watched them scrimmage for a while and then they came around and signed autographs. I had a blast, because I love the Jazz and I never get to see them so close up. My camera wasn't on a very good setting and so a lot of the pictures are very pixelated.
While we were there we also went swimming and shopping a lot. And the guys went golfing and to the Priesthood session. It was a nice little getaway.
Posted by Nanette at 10/06/2008 02:46:00 PM 9 comments