Friday, March 6, 2009


I am trying a lot harder to getting Ethan potty trained. He will be 3 at the end of June and I don't want him to be the only 3 year old in nursery who wears a diaper. I have gotten a few ideas, after talking to people about what they have done. Katie and I took Ethan to the store yesterday and let him pick out a few prizes (incentives) that he can have for when he goes in his potty. He seemed really excited about it, so we will see if it works. I tried getting him to sit on it today, but so far I have had no luck. I think he is embarrassed about the whole thing. I did let him wear his underwear with out his diaper for awhile. I told him to go sit on the potty when he needed to go, but instead he just went in his underwear, so I struck out again. He told me that he wanted Logan to sit on it. I guess he doesn't understand that it is even more embarrassing if your little brother gets potty trained before you. :) Wish me luck!

Maybe Logi will accidentally go in the toilet. It's the most I can hope for, from him.

Other random pics:
I bought this shirt for Max for $1. I didn't realize how fun it is to dress your dog!


Chris Gamble said...

Crazy kids...I really want Ethan to get potty trained as well. I'm sure he will if we do our best to encourage him. Love you.

Melanie said...

Oh the joys of potty training. I remember sitting by you while you were on the potty chair for hours and I would read you a huge stack of books. It eventually paid off. Potty training is not for the impatient or faint of heart.

Too bad you didn't get a girl dog so you could dress her up with bows and skirts and you wouldn't be the only girl in the house!

Charissa & Don Bishop said...

If I could offer a little piece of advice, buy the underwear that is a little padded in the middle so the pee isn't everywhere and then pick a week where you are not going anywhere. Stay home, don't put on diapers again. Get pullups for naps and nighttime. Also, I like to put the incentive somewhere that is visible to them, but where they can't reach it, like on top the entertainment center.

Good luck and remember that they aren't going to potty train until they are ready. My first wasn't potty trained until 3 months after he turned 3, but then Leah (my 3rd child) was potty trained right at 2 because she saw her older siblings and wanted to be like them.

The Dance Source said...

Ethan probably thought that he was in Heaven when we kept putting all of that stuff he wanted in the cart, and really bummed when we got home and he found out he had to earn them :). Good luck with the whole potty training thing, like I said you could always just teach him how to change his own diaper! LOL. Just think, by the time Braiden needs potty trained you'll be an expert and you can do it for me :)

Lori said...

That Is hilarious Nanette, doon't worry it will happen!! Love you all!!