for the next couple of months.
There is nothing too spectacular that is going to happen. I am just trying to appreciate the little things so that I can enjoy life more.
I am so excited for spring and I am looking forward to my tulips blooming. They are my favorite flowers and make my pitiful yard look so nice.
I am looking forward to getting this semester of school over with next month and hopefully having good grades.
I am looking forward to going on a road trip with the boys. We aren't sure where we are gonna go to yet, but it should be a blast. Maybe Portland or Denver... somewhere that isn't too far. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I am looking forward to my birthday. I am not looking forward to the fact that I will be 24 and I am getting older, but I will just have to find a way to deal with it, because I am going to get older no matter what and so I better enjoy it!
I am looking forward to talking to Dane on Mother's Day. Hopefully we will get to talk to him more than we did on Christmas.
I am looking forward to going to Good Things Utah on my mom's birthday. We always have a fun time when we do that.
I am looking forward to all the fun outdoors that Spring and Summer bring!
Slow Start
1 week ago
I can pretty much say that I am looking forward to no more winter!!! I think that mother nature forgot to push the off button on the random snow storms. I'm looking forward to being in my own house, having Braiden, and being able to see my feet again! :) Ooo and Camping trips this summer!
I bet Ethan is excited to finally get to go on an airplane! That will be tons of fun for your family to go on a vacation this summer together! I'm jealous!
Those are good things to look forward to. Love you.
I actually remember seeing you guys in Good Things Utah audience last year. I thought to myself, "hey, I know those people." I am looking forward to baseball!
I am looking forward to tulips as well, because they are my favorite flower! I am looking forward to warmer weather and working in the yard with my kids.
I am looking forward to turning 43 because I'm not ready for the alternative. I'm excited for spring weather (my favorite season)and to talk to Dane on Mother's Day. I'm excited for my 3rd grandson to be born and for more opportunities to spend time with Ethan and Logan.
Oh yah... I forgot to say that I am excited for Braiden to be born. Sorry Katie! :)
I'm looking forward to the "fer the dudes camping trip".
I love this time of year. There really is so much to look forward too. Have fun and hopefully the weather will warm up for you guys soon!
Hey, This year on my birthday I will be almost exactly twice you age. (Does that make you feel better about being 24?)
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