I kind of had a traumatic experience yesterday.
For most people it probably wouldn't have been.
Any one who knows me... knows that I am terrified of SPIDERS!!!
I am so scared of them that I had to have my 2 year old son come to the rescue.
I was getting ready to give the boys a bath. The toys are already in the tub and I have already turned the water on. I have just sat Logan in the tub, when I happen to glance into the empty toy tote and see that there is a spider in there. Instantly my mind begins to race about what I should do. The spider is too big to squish with toilet paper. I will only do that if it is really little. I also didn't think that I could kill it with my shoe, since it was in the corner of the toy bin. I run out into the hall. I'm not always to bright when it comes to figuring out what to do and so I got the brilliant idea to dump water on it and see if it would drown. I go into the kitchen and fill a cup with water.
This is where Ethan comes in.
He follows me into the kitchen. I ask him if he will dump the water on the spider, because I am too scared to even do that. He says yes and seems kind of excited about it. I stand out in the hall while Ethan does the job. Remember that Logan is still in the tub, the water is still running, but the plug is down so that tub isn't filling up.
Immediately after he starts pouring the water in the tote and yells, "The spider ran away!"... and then he drops the cup in the tote and runs out into the hall with me.
This is when I really start freaking out! I pictured in my mind that the spider had crawled out of the tote and was running rampant in the bathroom. Remember that Logan is still in this tub.
I grab my phone and call Chris at work. I don't know what I thought he could do to help. He's an hour away and it is not like he can come running home. I don't think clearly though when I am upset... so I call him expecting him to have a solution.
Logan is starting to get upset and wants to get out of the tub. I am crying to Chris on the phone for like 15 minutes. He keeps telling me to just hurry and grab Logan and shut the door. Thoughts of the spider still running around in the bathroom keep me from listening. I begin to beg Ethan to go turn the water off in the tub. I also keep begging him to get Logan out of the tub, even though I know that he can't lift Logan very well. Ethan keeps saying no, because I think that he is also scared now that he has seen how freaked out I am. I begin to promise him that he can have one of his potty training prizes if he will go turn the water off. He still won't go in there, but he did keep saying, "Mommy needs kisses!" and he would kiss me on the leg. It was really sweet.
Finally I calm down and I tell Chris that I am going to try and hurry and grab Logan. I slowly creep into the room and of course I have to peak into the toy tote. It crazy how things happen that way. You are so terrified of something, but you still have to look. I see that the spider is still in the tote and that it is kind of shriveled up. I think to myself, "Good job Ethan. You killed it!" I guess when Ethan had said that it was running away, he just meant that it was trying to get away from the water, not out of the tote. I am so crazy sometimes. Anyways, I hurry and get Logan out of the tub and turn the water off. Chris kept telling me on the phone to hurry and put the lid on the tote so the spider couldn't get out and then he would get rid of it when he got home. So I finally got brave and did just that.
Needless to say, I did my hair and makeup in my bedroom yesterday... and Logan and Ethan did not get a bath.
Thanks Chris for putting up with the drama!
I am so pathetic.
I am such a wuss.
Now that I think back on this story I think of how ridiculous it is and how I let that spider ruin my day (at least for an hour). The sad thing is that I will probably do the same thing again... when the same situation arises.
Thanks to Ethan for helping save the day. I think he deserves a prize!
P.S. Does anyone know how to keep a child in their booster seat? I get it as tight as I can, but Ethan still manages to climb out.
3 days ago
I'm sorry to admit that I couldn't not laugh when I heard your story... Spiders are disgusting I agree. I wish I would have been there to help you out with your traumatic experience! Although i have to admit I would have loved to see Ethan be the hero of the situation. :) Sorry your day started off like that!
That was so funny because I can totally relate! I am scared of spiders too. But if I had called my husband for help he would have said, "Do it yourself, your a big girl!" Sometimes men just don't understand.
You're right, I don't understand. Hey, don't you think I should I get prize, Nano? I mean I took care of the spider. LOL.
Nanette you crack me up. Thanks for letting us tease you the other night.
You remind me of myself. I can't stand bugs and when we lived in Hawaii we would get an occasional roach in the house. Jared worked at night so if he wasn't home I would get out the raid and chase the bug down. Then I would put one of Jared's shoes on top and leave the house. I would pack up Madison and Emily and drive to Wal-mart and stay there ALL night until I knew that Jared would be home to take care of it! I'm a little better with bugs now, but only because I don't want my kids to pick up my phobias!
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