Sunday, June 6, 2010

Drive-In and Risk

We had a busy, but fun weekend.

Friday we went to the Drive-In movie with some friends from our ward. We saw Shrek 4 and then Letters to Juliet (I was the only one who stayed awake for this one. It was okay.)

We got to the drive-in 2 hours early so we could get a good spot. The kids had fun playing in the van with their friends while we waited.

All smiles!

Ethan fell asleep on the way there. Poor kid was so tired!

Cal, Emma, Logan, and Ethan

The guys hanging out: Joey, David, Chris

Saturday we went to Village Inn with some friends and than they came over to play games. Of course, the guys had to play Risk.

Mike and Chris

Jonathon and Aaron

The wives mostly talked and took care of the kids. We probably had as much fun as the guys though.

Sunday Jonathon and Aaron came over for round 2 of Risk. What is it with guys and this game?

We were all so exhausted from the weekend from staying up late and not getting enough sleep.


Megan Passey said...

I don't get Risk! Ben always wants to play it too! he played it yesterday with his lil sis! so crazy

Melanie Jane said...

I would challenge Chris to a game of Risk because I love to play, but I only have one strategy so if he has the same one I'm toast!

Chris Gamble said...

I accept your challenge. Should I try three in a row?